Monday, February 3, 2014

Free Printable LDS Word Art " Doubt your doubts before your doubt your faith"

Sundays are usually busy days for my house hold, between all the extra meetings and the regular service and the fact that we visit family every Sunday. I get little time to sit and create like i use to, which makes me sad but i am grateful for all my families chance to serve and be involved in our ward. 
Today though, magic happened. I found my self with 2 hours of  "mommy time"!  Hooray! 
So i sat down and decided to get on board the chalkboard word art band wagon. This particular quote is from President Uchtdorf 's general conference talk  ( which you can watch or read here ) "Come, Join with Us"  given in Oct of 2013. I know, I know this quote has been done to death, but while scouring the interwebs for a free chalkboard version, i found that there wasn't one. No offence to anyone who makes their living selling word art..... there is NO way i was paying 15 dollars for one 8 x10 print. 
 Viola! Here is, my gift to you to copy and paste and print and use.
 (just please don't sell this, or pass it off as your own) 
(Designed by Jen L )

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